Daily Archives: April 9, 2018

Basic Principles of Somatic Experiencing

Basic Principles of Somatic Experiencing®

May 17, 2018 Online
with Sage Hayes, LMT, SEP
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM US MST

To register for a webinar and find out more information about our upcoming trainings
Training and Events Schedule

For questions about the webinars and upcoming trainings

Receive a one-time $50 discount on your US Beginning I SE Professional Training module for attending this workshop.

Learn About Somatic Experiencing® and the SE™ Professional Training:

Are you a helping professional interested in more effectively addressing your clients’ stress and trauma symptoms?

This introductory SE webinar is designed for professionals who work with the
effects of trauma including: social workers, mental and medical health
professionals, body workers, first responders, educators, clergy, and other
professionals in the healing arts. Participants will learn about the basic principles and theory of the SE model as well as more about the SE Professional Training.

Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) psychobiological trauma resolution, developed by
Peter A. Levine, PhD, author of the bestseller, “Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma,” is a potent approach to resolving the symptoms of trauma and chronic stress. The SE approach offers a framework to assess where your client is “stuck” in the fight, flight, or freeze responses and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states that underlie so many trauma symptoms. Our educational model is both theoretical and highly experiential, offering you effective skills for restoring nervous system regulation and resolving trauma that can be immediately integrated into your professional practice. The three-year SE™ Professional Training is a continuing education program that will help you make an even greater difference with your clients who suffer.

The Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the worldwide healing and prevention of trauma.