Monthly Archives: October 2016

The Freedom Trail: a Revolutionary way to gain Freedom from the Oppression of Trauma – Part 1

Part 1

Healing Universal patterns that arise out of life experience

There are many Universal patterns, arising out of life experience, that underlie the problems and suffering that our clients report. Examples of such patterns include neglect, betrayal, feeling cursed, creating an obscuring identity to protect a true self that is afraid of being annihilated… If you can discover and resolve the underlying pattern, many disparate and seemingly non related problems might all resolved simultaneously. In this webinar, I will spell out what these patterns are and teach you how to work with them.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

1 describe what trauma is and how to master it.
2. Identify at least five Universal patterns that arise out of life experience.
3. Describe two interventions and practices to resolve and heal these patterns.

AHahn_400x400Andrew Hahn, Psy.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist. He received his A.B. Magna Cum Laude in Social Studies/Psychology from Harvard University and his Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from Hahnemann University. He is certified by Helen Palmer to teach the Enneagram and has also been a faculty member in  the graduate Counselling Programs at Lesley University ;and Northeastern University. While Dr. Hahn’s strong foundation and significant experience in traditional psychology has served his clients well, he has been untiring in his effort to better understand what is going on for people so that he could better help them live more contented and healthier lives. This calling for greater understanding, as well as certain experiences which he could not fully comprehend within the confines of traditional Western paradigms, led him on a search for answers that opened him to the worlds of Buddhist and Eastern Psychology; Mystery Trainings; and Depth, Archetypal and Spiritual Psychology. During this period, Thich Nhat Hanh, Brugh Joy, Dick Olney, Helen Palmer, Barbara Hastings, and Claudio Naranjo were particularly influential and powerful teachers for him.

As that period was ending, he started working with Judith Swack, the developer of Healing from the Body Level Up. Working with her opened him to the worlds of Kinesiology, current research on Violence and Loss Traumas, and Energy Psychology. Dr. Swack and Dr. Hahn collaborated for several years marrying their two worlds, and this collaboration formed the foundation of the work that is now known as Guided Self Healing.

In 1997, after several years of witnessing the power of the work, Dr. Hahn developed the Guided Self Healing Training program for those who want to facilitate and/or teach this process. Today, Dr. Hahn has a private practice in Waltham, MA; speaks, teaches and leads trainings and healing groups internationally; and continues his effort to better understand what is going on for people so that he can better help them live more contented and healthier lives.

Theatre Methods for Healing Trauma Friday 10-21

Psychodrama, meaning “psyche in action” was developed by JL Moreno , MD , founder of group therapy and of sociometry (science/study of human relationships in groups) and further developed by his widow and collaborator , Zerka Moreno. Psychodrama explores the protagonist’s story/truth in action to facilitate bodymindheartspirit healing . While most often used in psychotherapy , it has wide applications in education, business, law, and community settings. Based upon Moreno’s role theory of personality , participants are able to explore current roles , both intrapsychic and interpersonal , release/transform old roles that are no long serving , and develop and practice new roles.Trauma, addictions, eating disorders , relationship repair , strength -building , spiritual matters, and more can all addressed be addressed psychodramatically .

Linda Ciotola, M.Ed., TEP
Even as a child, I was on a mission, driven to discover the fullness of well-being. I danced, acted in theatre, played the piano, read, wrote poetry and as I grew discovered that it was – no, it is – the creative process that holds the power to heal. At the same time, I knew that the body is the battleground, holding the pain of unresolved life stories. This led me to the field of health and fitness – becoming a certified group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and health coach, with a concentration in nutrition and eating disorders.

Then, when I experienced my first psychodrama workshop, I exclaimed ,”Psychodrama! Where have you been all my life?!” It was that day that I signed up for training to become a certified psychodramatist. Immersed in this field, I became a board certified trainer-educator-practitioner of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy as well as a trainer in a specialized psychodramatic trauma treatment method: The Therapeutic Spiral Model. Being faithful to the bodymindheartspirit connection, I earned certification as a yoga instructor and Master Reiki Teacher. In collaboration with professionals from a variety of fields, I have interwoven these modalities to create a unique and wholistic strategy of healing.

As a recipient of a psychodrama award focused on increasing utilization and awareness of psychodrama, my efforts are now to inspire and mentor others. I am passing on what I have learned through written articles, co-authorship of a book, presentations at workshops and conferences, and I am now currently co-developing an innovative webinar series to introduce action methods. I am deeply devoted to the words of JL Moreno, the founder of psychodrama, who once said, “No truly therapeutic endeavor can have as its mission anything less than the healing of all humankind.”   Visit for more information.


Healing Intergenerational Trauma with No One to Blame


Diane Poole Heller – October 6 Webinar

Our attachment patterns are transmitted through the generations—from grandparents to parents to how we parent our own children—and will greatly influence how our children parent as well. These patterns are unconsciously transmitted and embodied though implicit pre-verbal memory and our genetic heritage.

When you take up the challenge to heal your own wounds, it deeply serves your personal transcendence as well as healing your ancestors, your progeny, and humanity. Deeply understanding your roots allows you to develop the transformational wings necessary to soar—into expansion, freedom, and spaciousness that nourishes your true authentic self and helps uncover your life’s real purpose.

Diane-PhotoIn this training session we will explore:

• How environment and life circumstances may shape gene expression, and how certain stressors can trigger specific gene expression in your DNA related to your family history
• How generational history affects core beliefs and behavior
• Reversing role reversal to free you from Insecure Attachment
• Methods to foster relational resilience and post-traumatic growth in the aftermath of overwhelming life events throughout the generations such as war, injustice, rejection, abandonment, and family secrets

Diane Poole Heller, PhD, developed DARe (Dynamic Attachment Re-Patterning Experience), which provides a safe haven for therapists internationally to understand and heal their own attachment adaptations as well as restoring Secure Attachment functioning for clients. Using co-mindfulness, she creates somatic and relational clinical applications of corrective experiences aimed at excavating core wounds from implicit memory—wounds that are locked in the body unconscious—toward explicit memory to facilitate recognition and integration. Diane also emphasizes interventions that deeply nourish the Secure Attachment System.